So, you’ve got some questions that neither Instagram nor Google can help you with. Or, perhaps, you need an advice or two from a professional in some field of study or another. Or, maybe, it’s all about entertainment, and you’re wondering where you can find the best one. Without a doubt, the internet is an endless resource for those looking for the right answers. All you have to do is to know where exactly you have to look for them. Maintain a bookmark collection, in other words.
In this article, we provide you with 10 websites that might become handy in your everyday life – college, work, relationship, or any other area. Add them to your bookmark collection today!
Without a doubt, you have used markers to highlight some important parts of the documents. With, you can do exactly the same on the webpages. Use your mouse to point out what you will use later, or what you’d like to share with your friends via IM, Twitter, email, Facebook, and so on. Feel free to use the bookmarking tool in order to bookmark the highlighted segments.
Whatever it is that you’re going to broadcast, the process is going to be easier with Livestream. Use it to bring your people together online, as well as enjoy your regular meetings and share some important information.
The Student Room
The resource has more than 1.8 users that together make this website the biggest student community on the web. Go to The Student Room in order to communicate with fellow undergrads and talk about anything on earth. Loads of learning resources, professional pieces of advice, useful revision devices, and many other academic issues can be found on the website.
If you’re looking for a free and reliable file converter, using Zamzar is highly recommended. The users don’t need to download any online software in order to start using Zamzar. What is more, the converter supports over 1000 conversion types. The very moment the process of conversion is done, you get an email that contains an URL through which the users can save or download the file that was converted. Screenshots
Meet one of the most helpful tools that provides you with an opportunity to take a screenshot whenever needed. The best thing about using is that the users do not have to cut and paste! No doubt, the users can snap this or that image directly from their browser, but that process requires you to chop off some parts. With, no additional actions are required! All you have to do is to take a screenshot without even touching the crop tool.
Check this easy-to-use domain management tool that guarantees great experience for those looking for simple and quick opportunities to register and set up their domains. With iwantmyname, the users have a chance to purchase loads of international domains, as well as link their web address to the top-rated services and apps from all over the globe.
It doesn’t matter if you go to college or have some office job – writing is definitely an integral part of your routine. If you can boast of being able to produce high-quality writing, you’re really lucky! In case your writing leaves a lot to be desired, the companies like can help. The services are rendered 24/7 by competent writing and editing specialists, which means you can choose the most comfortable time to get professional assistance. You’re welcome to co-work with educated and skillful editors, writers, proofreaders, and the rest of experts who have immense experience in the field of writing and the range of academic disciplines.
It’s impossible to keep in mind all the commands that help users produce this or that character with the keyboard. On the other hand, you can go to to find every special thing you need for your college writing assignment or work documents. Whether you’re on the lookout for a Russian hammer or a pound sign, is there to help you snag all possible symbols with ease.
Music Map
Although well-known Spotify provides you with a bunch of music options, it’s impossible to find everything on this platform. In other words, your choice is limited. When it comes to Music Map, the users are welcome to plug in a particular singer or band and receive many music suggestions that are far deeper than they see on any stream. In other words, if you believe you’re a real melomaniac, downloading Music Map is a must.
If you’re tired of talking to a machine when calling a support hotline, you should consider using NoPhoneTrees. Enjoy real-life conversation with a tech support representative or a customer instead of listening to the never-ending range of numbers and commands. In other words, you have an opportunity to talk to a real person!
Password Generator
If you have always been dreaming about creating strong passwords that nobody is going to guess or track, Password Generator is a must-have. This online platform provides users with thirty tricks that will help you come up with a reliable password that will never be hacked. If you’ve been looking for some ways to keep your account secure and safe, it’s time to use Password Generator.
Wolfram Alpha
This one is definitely a must-have for information addicts and academic geeks! At the same time, Wolfram Alpha can be used to search for the most accurate answers, as an alternative to Google. Well, without a doubt, you can still give preference to Google due to its powerful qualities. However, Wolfram Alpha provides you with the answers that include precise facts in contrast to Google that supplies links relevant to the queries that you have.
These websites make for fairly definitive value-add into the bookmark collection of online users, and you should bookmark each for your everyday needs. Whether you’re looking for some apps for your hobbies or college topics, we hope our selections of internet resources will ease the process of work or study sessions.