After successfully creating and brilliantly portraying “The Avengers”, Marvel Studios have come up with a comical, idiosyncratic team of outlaws. The superheroes created in this movie are not run-of-the-mill but are rather whacky and unusual as it takes place on an entirely different planet.
Meet Star-Lord or rather Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), who is a tad different from the conventional Marvel heroes. He is cocky, swaggering yet vulnerable and had been abducted into space as a child following his mother’s death. Gamora (Zoe Saldana), the green-skinned alien who is ostensibly acting on the orders of Ronan is the last of her tribe. They involve in a street fight as each of them tries to gain possession of the “orb”. They are eventually joined by Rocket (Bradley Cooper); a genetically engineered, super-intelligent raccoon and Groot (Vin Diesel) a humanoid tree whose vocabulary is limited to “I am Groot” but surprises us in the near end. The team’s last addition is Drax “The Destroyer” (Dave Bautista) who is out to avenge the death of his wife and daughter.
The team plots a daring prison break and plans their strategies in order to keep the orb away from Ronan, who plans on using the orb’s secret powers to wipe out the residents of the planet Xandar. The real strengths of the film are its five main characters and their inability to take any matter seriously and instead add a comic twist in their dialogues. The more serious scenes are somehow balanced out with a few quirky lines here and there that keep the movie light-hearted throughout.
Although the movie’s plot may be simple, the names of its characters may turn out to be confusing as there are many of them. Whether it is the CGI created Groot or portraying the special effects of the orb, the visual effects of the movie are stunning too as its attention to detail has captured the sense of awe while watching the movie. The make-up artist has also done justice in convincing the audience on the looks of an alien.
“What should we do next? Something good, something bad…a bit of both?”
“We’ll follow your lead, Star- Lord.”
“Bit of both!”
And with that, Guardians of the Galaxy ended hinting that there will be a sequel as the film closed with the words “The Guardians of the Galaxy will return.”
Do not miss the post credits scene!
Guardians of the Galaxy is now available on DVD, exclusively by Sony DADC and contains the following features:
Bonus Features on DVD:
· Exclusive look at Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron – Bursting with action, and including the newest members of the Marvel Cinematic Universe – Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch – Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron is truly a battle for the ages!
· Deleted Scenes
Bonus Features on Blu-ray:
· Guide To The Galaxy With James Gunn
· The Intergalactic Visual Effects for Guardians of The Galaxy – Learn how Rocket and Groot went from blue screen to big screen
· Exclusive Look at Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron
· Gag Reel – Experience cosmic shenanigans and celestial goofs in this hilarious gag reel
· Deleted Scenes with Commentary By James Gunn, Rocket And Groot
· Audio Commentary with James Gunn