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Author: Debasmita Banerjee

I am an undergrad student of electronics and Instrumentation. I intern at the Saha Institute Of Nuclear Physics, non linear dynamics dept. Also a core member of International Institute Of Optics and Photonics (SPIE.Tisl chapter). I like to experiment with music and art. I have interest in Indian classical music and fusion music. I also like digital, traditional painting, writing and experimenting with phrases.
In the United Arab Emirates at least, if not in other countries, you cannot get your vehicle repair post an accident unless it’s been certified by the police. But who’s to say the police would rule in your favor in case of any accident at all? Where’s the evidence when the only debate is your word against someone else’s? It is in times like these that you need a handy invention called a dashcam. Transcend Information Inc has specifically delivered a security and safety solution combined with their reputed storage and memory solutions. Taking a look at their security product…
There should be honestly no need to introduce Star Wars to the average geek. The franchise, alongside which an entire generation has grown up, is close most of our hearts. No surprises then that a much awaited Star Wars release – Episode 7: The Force Awakens, was received with such enthusiasm and fan fare. Now, Sony DADC is helping us out by bringing it to DVD & Blu-Ray. Priced at Rs 599, the box consists of a single DVD having the complete reel packed inside. Lucky for me, I get to review it for my geek community! To do justice…
What would you do when sitting idle and not having anything to do? I would – surf the net, boot up my Hike/WhatsApp account and get back to something I needed to finish on schedule, before I would get pulled towards quivering emptiness. It would be rather biased, if I would base my analysis solely on my opinion. So, in order to generalize a simple idea, without going into statistical jargon, we can firmly state that most people who have a smartphone are often found reaching out to people that matter via popular instant messaging apps like WhatsApp. CERN introduced the world…
I wouldn’t blame you for being surprised to see an article devoted solely to a topic that is dealt with in middle school mathematics. But there is more to prime numbers than meets the eye. Prime numbers form a fascinating area of research, not only in pure mathematics but also in several applied scientific disciplines. The study of prime numbers and their distributions has aroused a great deal of curiosity and has been undergoing continuous development for a very long time. A prime number is simply defined as any natural number greater than 1 that is divisible by no other…
Nature has shown an affinity to choose peculiar roads of evolution, intertwined with the generic concept of pollution. Owing to human activities, artificial elements jointly with the natural elements have declared a war against life. Civilizations experienced incurable diseases that are ultimately in the process of changing the course of time-dependent growth. In this mega crisis, science rekindles the hope of getting a potential remedy every day. If we were to make a list of the most infamous diseases, Cancer would definitely snatch the first position. In short, uncontrolled proliferation of malignant tumors in different organs indicates some vigorous changes…
Printing – the process of generating exact physics copies from a given digital template, has been around for ages. One of the primary driving forces behind the European Revolution was the introduction of the mechanical type movable printing technology. Owing to Johannes Gutenberg’s pioneering invention of the printing press, printing technology changed the course of human civilisation and opened up a multitude of new opportunities. With time, the science of printing matured and finally reached the form it exists in today. If we directly jump into the 20th century, we see that in a period of ten years, the printing technology…
The birth of the universe is arguably the greatest unsolved mystery in physics. It continues to arouse curiosity among physicists and laymen. Physicists mathematically modelled the history and predicted the past, analysing electromagnetic radiation such as visible light, x-rays, radio waves, microwaves and sub atomic particles, However, the surge of new theories only weaved ambiguity which resulted in various contradictory pictures concerning our very own existence. Albert Einstein first realized that the process of the evolution of the universe from ‘nothing’ to ‘everything’ has almost certainly left footprints. These footprints, which include the study of gravitational waves, can be analyzed…
Ever wondered how you can hear your name in a crowd, amidst all the chaos? Because it’s YOUR name. Your brain has been trained for several years to recognise it as your identity. Hearing it means someone is in need of your attention. Imagine being interrogated, or interviewed. If you are in a position of taking a decision, you are likely to come up with quick sets of reasons that would insert the word “yes” or “no” into your mind. What you are doing is justifying yourself, and in a way feeding your brain an idea. Big Think conducted an interview with…
Neural networks have always been an unexplored area of the human brain. Some of the negative consequences of evolution are neural anomalies. Neural anomalies make detection of neurological diseases harder. Despite that, modern research and study of the brain from its embryonic development till ‘brain death’ has been producing satisfactory results. This not only involves the application of neurology, but also opens ups scopes for optics, instrumentation and electronics to develop efficient technology that can possibly aid in treatment. Now, An optical detection method which has been used to stimulate the repair of a single neural circuit in zebra fish larvae. This method boosts the healing process…
Adjudged one of the 10 best emerging technologies of 2015 according to MIT, Supercharged Photosynthesis is stepping up to meet the increasing crop demands of the world’s growing population. Recently, geneticists from all corners have been analyzing the result of experiments conducted on engineered crops in 12 laboratories spread across 8 countries. The results are certainly positive – the technique of efficient photosynthesis in rice plants produce twice the production than normal, much like corn or weed plants. The supercharged process or C4 process is a method of carbon fixation that takes place in plants like sugarcane, corn etc. The C4…
You’d be forgiven for falling in love with the beauty of natural phenomenon all around us, even those outside our direct line of sight, far out in the observable universe. Most agree that there is beauty, in some form or the other, in almost everything that the laws of physics help facilitate. But few people notice the underlying patterns, and the rationale of the cosmos, behind the beautiful observations we get to make. The universe is interesting because it was born in an incomprehensible flash – what we call the Big Bang, and is still young relative to our estimates on…
Mushroom batteries are a new and exciting development in the field of energy storage. They are made from the mycelium of mushrooms, which is a network of fungal threads that can be grown into a variety of shapes and sizes. Mycelium is a strong and durable material, and it is also very good at conducting electricity. Right from the mid 20th century, the evolution of technology has been predominantly based on synthetic materials. Though one cannot deny the usefulness of these synthetic materials, hazardous wastes generated in the process have been posing a serious challenge for the planet. In addition…