Export Olbers’ Paradox: Why is the Night Sky Dark?By Ananya Ak9 April5 Mins Read Until the early 1800s, astronomers were asking a question which might seem a little ridiculous: “Why is the night sky…
Export What Are Rogue Planets? A Beginner’s GuideBy Yaabot Staff6 November4 Mins Read We think of planets as spheres of huge masses revolving around a star like our very own Earth. In fact,…
Export A Guide To Choosing The Best Telescope For BeginnersBy Ayushi Bagla24 September6 Mins Read Choosing your first telescope, especially if you’re a beginner can easily become a harsh and demanding task when confronted by…
Export How Viable is Terraforming Mars?By Advait Mulay9 July9 Mins Read Terraforming is the process of creating a habitable environment on another planet, artificially. The term first came up in Jack…
Export Why Is The James Webb Space Telescope Such A Big Deal?By Shristee Rawat26 June3 Mins Read “There are billions of places out there that we know nothing about. The fact that we know nothing about them…