Author: Kriti Kandpal

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A student of electronics and communication engineering but passion being writing and travelling. Owns a personal blog and has been into writing over a long time. A bibliophile and a photographer as well.

In April 2017, a notification issued by the Indian Government mandated physicians to prescribe generic names of drugs instead of their brand names. This created a worrisome situation for the doctors. Doctors believe that in the case of serious and chronic illness, a patient will not receive full medicinal benefits when they opt for drugs by their generic names. Why this havoc over generic drugs? What are generic drugs? A generic drug can be said to be bioequivalent of a branded drug. It has the same chemical properties, effects, side-effects, strength, route of administration and dosage. The difference is that they are not popular…

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Earth seems to have been fully explored. There is probably no region (on land) that humans have not had a close look at. But only 29% of the Earth is land, and out of this 29%, only 43% is actually inhabited by humans. Put the remaining 57% of land, and the 71% surface area coming in from our oceans together, and we’re left with a lot of regions we may have absolutely no idea about. Some of these regions have built considerably hype on themselves over the decades. There are twelve geographical locations on Earth, known as Vile Vortices. These places…

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Medical science is complicated. It’s impressively advanced. But it’s complicated. Find a cure for one disorder, and four other disorders will develop as side effects. Even after innumerable research, the human body still remains a massively complex entity. And there are some imperfections to it that still leave us stumped. You’d be familiar with the term ‘Schizophrenia’, but it wouldn’t be surprising if you didn’t know too much about it. Let’s delve deep. The word Schizophrenia is derived from two Greek words, skhizein and phren. Skhizein means ‘to split’ and phren means ‘memory.’ Eugen Bleuler coined the term schizophrenia in the year…

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The universe is replete with mysteries we have never heard of. Ranging from our very own planet Earth to the stars in the sky, every object of creation has a question mark. This amazing fact that human beings know so less carves out a path for new discoveries which have become a part and parcel of our lives.Physics has always been a rebellious subject. It is not only vast but it has within such secrets which no one knows. Beliefs changed as time passed since new facts were revealed every other day, thereby altering pre-existing proofs created by man. As kids in…

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